Selection of Auspicious Wedding Dates

Selection of Auspicious Wedding Dates Service

Selection of Auspicious ROM or Wedding Dates Service

Information Needed from you

Get us to prepare the Auspicious Date Selection for you. You will need to furnish the following:-

 Date & Time of Birth for bride & bridegroom (Time of Birth Optional)
 Date & Time of Birth for parents & parent-in-laws (Time of Birth Optional)
 Approximate Months to get married (ie Jun - Aug 2004)
 Weekday or Weekend Preferences or dates you want to confirm which is better

Who will conduct the Date Selection?

Master Robert Lee will narrow down a list of favourable dates available for you.

Time Frame

 3-5 days after we receive your details we will send you our recommended dates.

Detailed & Comprehensive Explanation

After the analysis is completed, we will e-mail you the details and the recommended dates to get married.

 You will get to know which are the most aupicious date for to get married, and the next best alternative suitable for the two parties.
 If you have problem booking that date, we can choose for you a next best alternative date or provide advice to improve a date.

Detailed and Comprehensive Reports

You will get the auspicious dates of each party for the months analysed for your personal reference.

 Detailed Auspicious Dates for each person

Frequently Asked Questions

How many dates will I get?

 We will analyse for you every single day for that month and give you all the best possible dates available. How many best dates you can get depends a lot on the compatibility of the two of you. Some only can get 1-2 very good date in that month, others can get 3-5 good dates etc. Some months have weekend dates, some only have weekdays. But you will get to see the full detailed analysis report for each month.

Do I need to come down to your office?

 No. This is entirely an online service. All you need to do is to e-mail/fax us the detail to begin. Once we complete the analysis, we will sent you a link to access the analysis. This is the easiest way for any couple to be able to find the best wedding date for your special event without any hassle.

How to I make a payment?

 Credit Card/Cheque. You may either pay via credit card through our online payment system, or send us a cheque.

How is our Auspicious Dates Analysed?

 Our Auspicious Dates are choosen based on the following factors:-

  • Key Alamac influence - is considered (ie whether day clashes / harms / punishes with the current year). 
    Note: This isn't the most important influence as this only denotes a generate day's influence. ie even if the day itself is good or bad it does not mean that everyone on this planet will enjoy the same auspicious or inauspicious influence. ie tung shu/alamac day is inauspicious Wood Rat day, but if the person is Strong Water person, this day benefit that person a lot more.
  • Suitability to Ba Zi - Whether the day is suitable to the ba zi is very important, as a inauspicious Tung Shu / Alamac date does not mean it won't benefit the person.
  • Combinations or Clashes to Ba Zi - Whether the day is suitable to the ba zi is very important, as a inauspicious Tung Shu / Alamac date does not mean it won't benefit the person.
  • Special Significance - Whether the day is like Qing Ming etc. Most people choosing wedding dates would not want to marry in Qing Ming month.
  • Overall Analysis - Suitability to ba zi of one or two person, whether any clashes, any overall significance plus finally tung shui/alamac influence. Often it is very hard to find one that can fix all factors, so as long as most influence are considered auspicious, that is a good day for you.

Because our dates considers the above factors, as such the dates analysed are extremely personalised to individual person(s) as it considers the individual Ba Zi. This means the dates are your very own individual good or bad dates. As such, no one/two person(s) will have the same good or bad dates.

As such, the dates analysed for you will not necessary be similiar to a general Tung Shu forecast which usually does not consider the individual's bazi. Therefore, even if the Tung Shu forecast says that it is a good day, but if your own bazi clashes with the day, it may not be as good as a less auspicious Tung Shu date but more suitable or does not clash with your bazi. This holds true for wedding dates, move-in dates and dates for any auspicious events.

Are you able to analyse dates two/three years from today?

 Yes. Say this year is 2005, we are able to analyse dates in 2007/2008 even in 2015. We have our own system that is able to generate dates way in the future.

Will you provide auspicious hour analysis for the choosen date?

 Yes. We will provide you with an auspicious hour. However, sometimes the best hours may be at very odd hours (3-4am) which can be unpractical. And we only give you this info after you have choosen the date you like.

I do not have the time of birth for my parents/parent-in-laws will that affect the analysis?

 No. The wedding date analysis focus on the Bride & Groom to find the best dates for the couple. The parents/in-laws dates as for us to provide you with an analysis to let them know what colours/elements to wear so as to improve their luck for the day.

I am interested in the service, who to contact?

 Master Robert Lee. You can contact him at (65) 9835-5734 should you need any further clarifications.

Committed After-Sales service

We will continue to provide after-sales services (additional clarification, wedding ceremony & details etc) to you at no additional costs.


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Any Questions? Call Master Robert Lee at (65) 9835-5734 for more information. Or e-mail us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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© 1996-onwards Geomancy.Net, Cecil Lee & Robert Lee