Crystal Pyramid

Should place the pyramid in the fame area, right?

As a pyramid (its shape) represents the fire element, there are two methods of placing a pyramid at the `fire' location:-

1. By the `intuitive' method or by trial and error. Some may place the pyramid at the fire element location and say in a week or two, if there is nothing `wrong', then this is fine.

2. More accurately using the Pillars of Destiny where you first determine your `true' element and strength. For example, if under the Pillars of Destiny, your `true' element is Strong Fire, and at the same time, your house is facing South, which is also a Fire element, this additional fire adds further to fuel your `strong fire'.

If you place a pyramid at the Fire element location. What happens then?

The pyramid will further increase the intensity of the fire element. A person or the breadwinner with the " Strong Fire " element staying in such a house will face competition at work or fall sick e.g. high blood pressure.

Further, under the Luck Eras of the persons report, for example, 1999 has the element of Fire, then. this may cause a calamity or death for the person.

Where is my wealth sector?

This question has been asked by users. One way to benefit from the wealth sector is to take the following example:-

1. Find out what is your true element.

2. Find out the North to South Direction of your home. (Note: you can refer to Click here to find out which direction has what element. For example, North = Water, East = Wood etc.

3. Under the 5 elements concept ( ../fs/5index.php?option=com_content&id=719&catid=22&view=article )

Here is a sample of how to find your wealth location:-

If your true element (or main element) under the Pillars of Destiny is Water, when your main element Water destroys Fire, this sector e.g. Fire is thus considered your wealth location.

Cecil Lee
Center for Feng Shui Research
March 1999



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