Interior Decoration

Free Module 2: Shapes & Form Feng Shui

Chapter 25: Interior Decoration

For the interior of a house:-

1. Do not place stuffed animals on walls in bedrooms.

2. Do not place plants in the bedroom.

3. For plants in the house, choose plants with rounded leaves and preferably green colour. Avoid plants  like cactus with spikes.

4. Best to display lion statues in pair and have them facing the main door.

5. For the tiger display, it should  be facing away from the main door and not `staring' it.

6. Avoid placing paintings on water  in the bedroom. 


For practical reasons, you could paint the entire house in `neutral' colours such as white or in any  `light pastel' shades.

The author feels that colours are  of secondary importance to Feng Shui and is not on the `top priority' list expect for the main door.

The main door preferably should  either be in a neutral colour or a colour that does not `clash' with the direction.

For example, do not paint the door pink/red if it is facing the North Direction. A door facing the North Direction (Water) could be in a range of Blue hues to grey or black.

For advanced readers, do check out Colours for the Home and Numbers.



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